JordanJordanianHashemite Kingdom of Jordan
- 耶利哥巴勒斯坦古城,临近死海西北海岸。是扼守约旦河下游河谷的要塞,据《圣经·旧约》所述,它被约书亚征服并毁灭
An ancient city of Palestine near the northwest shore of the Dead Sea. A stronghold commanding the valley of the lower Jordan River, it was, according to the Old Testament, captured and destroyed by Joshua. - 最惹人注目的顽固分子乃是约旦国王候赛因。他最近表示不再过问[约旦河]西岸之事,现在同意[参加中东和平的努力]。
The conspicuous holdout was Jordan's King Hussein, who, by his latest gesture of washing his hands of the West Bank, is now coming along.